martes, 29 de octubre de 2013



Where are we going men?

The sempiternal worries are sourrounding the human being: we’re worried about the Death, the Illness –because it’s the signal or door to the Death-; also we are always scared about what the future holds, but… Never, never we thing about the point, I mean, the right goal of our mission in this life is to be happy, to find ourselves. In Delphos Temple is written “Cognoscete ipsum”  (know yourself), the last thing worries us… Why not?

We don’t like to see at the mirror, we prefer to see the misfortunes, sorrows, defects, calamities of other people. That’s better than whatch our life, than to look, as I said our selves at the mirror and… that is the matter of our century because the society falls dawn loosing the real values of the life and taking easier things offered by the consumerism, the Mass media. It’s not difficult to discoverit, but… we don’t care. One child in Christmas when receive 300% more presents than he needs and really wants, he gives us the first lesson: starts playing with the box of one of them. No, not with them, with the box… Why… Because a box can be at the same time whatever he needs, imagines or desires… We don’t understand… Why? Because we have loose his pureness, theb mass media, our environment, etc. has “teach us” that to be normal (f.e. a girl) she has to have as many Barbies as possible: Barpie pink, Barbie Princess, Barbie halloween, and whatever fucking “Barbie-ideas” you could imagine: the goal is to sell. I’m not going to talk about the letal effects of the Barbies (Anorexia, Bulimics, materialism, compulsivity behaviour buying things, etc)… They don’t want it; in fact, also we don’t want it ¡¡¡ So… Why are we buying all this fucking stuff ??? The answer is as simple as enoying: mass media consumism drives our lives, but… Friends ¡¡¡ Because we let it. I don’t need to resort to subliminal advertising as objectionable, but no… Simply newspapper, internet, TV, and no so many other yhings… And when our children say no daddy, I don’t need that, we think (oh no, the neighbor buys it to the son… I have to: that’s jelaousy, but the worse –material, non-sense, and auto destructive- Again… WHY, What’s the fucking matter with us men?

No, no, I see we have lived all this time over our possibilities., and then, when we parted at dinner everyone enter into a Mercedes, BMW, or any other car that is a renting or a car paid by fucking payments… So, is that what do we want for our children? Because.. They don’t form the beginning, obviously, the society change them as soon as possible.

I finish: never the people have had as much resources to be in touch with other people: Video chat, mail, you can skype in real time with a person in the other side of the world, but… guys… Never the man has been more stressed, sad, depressive, empty, alone than now.

We could think now why in silence…

Have a nice day and look at the heaven, its blue, the sun, the tries… It’s for free.

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